This regulation helper consists of questions that allow an entrepreneur to check whether they are eligible for a subsidy under the 'Law for the Promotion of Research and Development' (WBSO). The questions and answers depend on each other. For example, if you choose 'Self-employed without staff' as the form of entrepreneurship, the subsequent questions will be different than if you choose 'BV or NV'. There are about ten possible scenarios, as a calculation is also made based on the answers provided. Ultimately, an example of an amount that can be obtained is given.
The regulation helper is housed in an external application for which 10,000 euro's is paid annually to keep it running. We managed to save these costs by rebuilding it with the Webforms module in Drupal.
How we rebuilt the regulation helper
With Webforms, you can show or hide questions based on different conditions. For instance, if 'Self-employed with staff' is chosen, it will ask whether wage tax is being paid for the employees in the Netherlands, a question that is not relevant for self-employed individuals without staff. This way, it is possible to guide an entrepreneur through the various questions and provide the outcome of whether they qualify or not.
We also managed to rebuild the calculation using the 'Computed Twig' element that is included by default in the Webforms module. This allows you to apply logic to the values that the entrepreneur has entered, such as the number of hours spent on Research & Development (R&D) that the entrepreneur thinks will be dedicated to the project. These hours are multiplied by the R&D hourly rate.
Want to know more about Drupal, Webforms, or Computed Twig?
Then read my other blogs about creating calculation tools with Drupal and Webforms, extra tips for using Computed Twig, or contact me.