Rucking is walking with a heavy backpack on. It is the perfect combination of strength training and cardio. Additionally, you can do it alone or together outdoors in nature.

The book 'The Comfort Crisis' by Michael Easter is full of advice, backed by scientific research, that make your life less comfortable in the short term but better in the long term. In this blog, I share some of these insights that I have started applying in my daily life.

Why I find creating something important and how that feeling is confirmed by science.

The first website was launched at the end of the previous century (August 1991) and is today the very best way to convey information. Better than anything that came before or after.

Hacker News user Metadat started a thread in which other Hacker News users recommend movies that changed their perception of live. I've compiled the answers into a list.

The book 'Attention' by Gloria Mark is about all aspects of attention and how it has changed since the rise of digital media. It mainly focuses on knowledge workers and how they can better manage their attention.

The book 'Attention' by Gloria Mark got me thinking about how attention works and how to stay focused. However, the book lacks clear tips, which is why I have compiled some recommendations myself.

Why isn't there a streaming service specifically focused on (the well-being of) children? In this blog, I fantasize about how such a streaming service should look.

I recently heard this comment where Drupal was rejected as a possible solution. However, when I looked at the requirements, Drupal, in my opinion, was the right choice. Therefore, in this blog, I explain where I believe Drupal is suitable or not.

When you look at others, it sometimes seems like they have everything perfectly sorted out. The reality is that everyone is just figuring things out as they go. So, don't let that hold you back; just go ahead and do your thing.